Steve wanted a large cabinet to store part of his record collection and his stereo components.

I used pre-finished maple plywood. They put a very durable and glossy finish on at the factory. Much better than a stain or paint.

I covered all the edges with solid cherry. A clear finish on the cherry is a nice contrast to the maple.

The arched bottom is merely for decoration.

Steve wanted a drawer for his DVDs and tapes, so I built a divided drawer on full extension drawer slides.
I just finished building a new, smaller record/stereo cabinet. $1250

I used pre-finished maple ply and aromatic cedar (Tennessee red). The combination of the cream and pink is dramatic.

The cabinet measures 32″ tall, 42″ wide and 16″ deep.

I added 2 drawers for DVDs and whatever else you might have.

There’s room for 300 LPs.