i started my woodworking career years ago in San Francisco-making desks, tables etc. After a few years I began designing lamps- at first it was turned lamps (since I had 2 lathes in my shop ) but then I decided to switch to floor lamps. I looked at what was available in stores- mostly spindly teak poles that looked like they would tip over at the slightest touch. My lamps were not going to have that flaw. I made my lamp bases either nice and wide or I used steel.
My first lamps were made using mahogany and ash but then I switched to walnut and cherry.
Here’s the latest lamp. I thought I’d use juniper for the shaft and add walnut accents, but
the juniper was twisted. So I went back to my favorite- walnut and used cherry for the slats. $750
The HAWTHORNE is an arts and crafts inspired lamp with a 2 tier base. The shaft is made of 2 lengths of walnut enclosing 2 thinner cherry strips.
PRICE $725
The LUNAR (made of cherry) has the lamp chord inside the copper pipe. The lamp sits on a 3/16″ steel base.
PRICE $700
When I cut the semi-circles for the Lunar out of a rectangular piece of cherry, what was left had a concave curve-this became the basis for the ROSS ISLAND.
PRICE $700
The ST. JOHNS was inspired by a bookcase design I saw in an architecture magazine.
I used cherry with walnut accents.
PRICE $725
The CLOUDLIFT was an entirely new concept. I glued rice paper to plexi-glass and then added a 12″ long 40w bulb to achieve a soft glow. A lot more time and materials go into the CLOUDLIFT- hence
PRICE $875
The SELLWOOD has a different architecture than the other lamps. Each side of the lamp is made up of 2 pieces of 3/4″ walnut separated by a 1/4″ void-so that’s where the power chord goes. I used 1/4″ wide strips of cherry to cover the gap and then I added 9 short copper tubes.
PRICE $800
The ANDON. Japanese Andon lanterns are traditionally made of thin wood strips and rice paper. I used 3/4″ thick mahogany and plexi-glass. This 6ft tall andon has a display shelf. I can design a similar lamp for you=- this one is not for sale.
Outdoor cedar lamp/table.
I originally planned on using this lamp/table outdoors (that’s why I used western red cedar) in my garden next to my “tea house”, but I ended up using it in my living room. It measures 3ft by 19″ deep and 29″ tall and is lit by a large fluorescent tube. I wouldn’t try to read by it but it will illuminate the corner of a room very nicely, plus you cold put your TV on top of it. I’ll have to get a better photo of it with the light on.
I use many different types of bamboo for my gates/trellises/bridges so I used round poles in the front between the round cut-outs, and solid slats on the sides.
PRICE $925